5 year anniversary FCDC

Publicity campaign for the fifth anniversary of the FC Donders Centre for Cognitive Neuroimaging at the Radboud University Nijmegen. This campaign emphasizes the strong points of the FCDC, being state of the art brain scan technique performed by excellent scientists. All expressions show employees of the centre with scans of their own brain.

16 jaar ago

Whaa: Visual Identity

Whaa is an agency which organizes a broad scala of activities for, with and by immigrants and minorities, ranging from urban music performances to the world music stage of the Vierdaagsefeesten in Nijmegen. To enable them to present themselves in a recognizable, unique fashion without losing diversity, I designed a system of vignettes which serve as constructing elements for a logo.

16 jaar ago

Tools for online activism

Designs of the radical left are firmly rooted in the 1970s and 1980s: fists, stars and flags, silk-screened in black and red. In this line of research on the visual language of the radical left, I try to develop expressions of radical, solidary, antagonistic culture based on common values like DIY, grassroots, multipliable, and driven by the most democratized technology, i.e. computers and the internet. A first result is a concept for an online application, that enables users to create an image by uploading photographs, entering texts and backgrounds and setting levels of interaction and intensity. The resulting image can be used online (background or image) or offline (poster or flyer.

16 jaar ago

Visueel Verzet: essay

Aan de hand van relevante communicatietheorieën en veel praktijkvoorbeelden laat ik de werking en mogelijkheden van de grafische ontwerppraktijk als verzets- en aktievorm zien. De tekst verwerkte ik in 104 posters, die ik wildplakte, fotografeerde en in een boek samenbracht. Het boek is hier te lezen.

16 jaar ago

Arnhemse Nieuwe

Exhibition and presentation at Arnhemse Nieuwe, an exhibition of the best graduates of the Arnhem Academy of Arts 2007

16 jaar ago


Antifascist poster and sticker

16 jaar ago